
  • Escape into life Interview

    What is the biggest misconception about art?

    That one can ever really reach a final destination or growth point with their art.

    You are never fully matured as an artist. Art for the individual is ever evolving and changing…

  • Orion Magazine: Five Questions for Tyler Bewley

    What inspires you? Are there particular places or forms in nature that capture your imagination?

    I am fascinated with the ocean. I am an avid surfer and surfboard shaper, and I spend much of my time exploring the California coast…

  • Sarah Rose Sharp: Catch a Wave with Tyler Bewley

    Tyler Bewley spends a great deal of time in contemplation of the Pacific Ocean. When he’s not out on his surfboard (or in the classroom, where he teaches art to youngsters of San Francisco), he’s recombining his memories of light and water into gorgeous paintings that transcend all the limitations…